Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - Term 2, Week 8

Mike Molloy —

Wet, wet, wet... where is the sun?

I am thinking of so many song analogies to do with rain! We have had a few weeks of wet gloomy days without the sun to brighten our day. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain's release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused. Let's hope for some sunshine soon.

As you know the school is growing at a fast (but anticipated) rate. This means pressure on car parking spaces and access to the school grounds. We have included a Travelling to School article to explain the car parking and 'kiss and go' system. We encourage parents that are coming into school to collect to use the car park across the road.

We are well into preparing for Term 3 and are looking forward to welcoming Whaea Tracy back into the new entrant team. We are looking forward to working with our new Kaiako - Matua John and Matua Tom. We wish Whaea Ange all the best for the safe arrival of baby number 2!

A friendly reminder that the school closes at 1pm this Friday for the Teachers Paid Union Meetings.

Have a great week... mine has been... watch Seven Sharp on Friday to find out why... 😉

Matua Mike