Mike Molloy — May 16, 2022

How are you doing? Are you and your whānau coping through this prolonged pandemic? What impact has the last 2 years had on you? Lost income, job security, uncertainty, disagreement, frustration, anger and despair all come to mind.

Throw in the increasing cost of basic necessities like food, fuel, electricity, house prices and interest rates. Where are you now? How are you coping? What impact is this having on our children? Do we know, or when will we know?

From a child's perspective - My teacher is away, my best friend is away. I am at home for 7 days. Everyone is wearing masks, mum and dad can not come into my learning space. Things are not 'normal' for those that started school before the pandemic. Those that started from early 2020 - this is their normal.

So what can we do to help ourselves and others? We can be kind to others. We need to be patient and understanding with each other. We need to list all of the good things in life that we appreciate. We need to do things that make us feel good - go to the beach, meet a friend, or have some time out. I can see a big difference at the gate when the sun is shining or the coffee is brewing!

Remember you are not alone - we have each other for support.

Don't forget to reach out to someone if you are not ok.

Take care

Matua Mike