Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

KSS Got Talent

Mike Molloy —

5 enthusiastic senior leaders are holding a show for the Knights Stream students to show off their talents.

What: A fun competition open to all KSS kids to enter and show off their talents and to have fun.

When: 15, 16, 17, 18 and 21 September

Please be aware that all the shows will start at 12.35pm and end at 1.20pm. The non-competitive will be on the 15th September. The 16th will be the arts which will cover singing, dancing, gymnastics etc. The 17th September will be the musical instruments. The 18th will be everything else we haven’t included. 

Lastly, on Monday 21st of September, will be the finals. Parents are welcome to come along to the finals.

Where: Wharehui (School Hall)