Hero photograph
Photo by Craig Allchurch

Parents Ski Meeting and Cultural Hui

Craig Allchurch —

If you are attending our school ski trip on the 13th of September, we have a parent meeting in the Ruma Kaimahi on the 5th of September. This will be the same day as our Cultural Hui.

Ski Meeting- this meeting was initially scheduled for the 29th of August, but we have changed the date to fit in with our Cultural Hui on the same day.  The purpose of the ski meeting is to assign groups of students to parents, discuss the safety plan and give a general run down of how the day will run and what it means for parents. Attendance is really important, but if you can't make it, please email Matua Craig.  This meeting will start at 3.30pm. 

Cultural Hui- this will be very similar to our Maori Hui we held last term after Matariki Day.  We really value our wide variety of cultures at Knights Stream and would like to hear more about what is important to you and your culture , what you would like reflected in our curriculum and how this will look for your child. This meeting will start at 4.00pm, all welcome. 

Please RSVP to catherine.mackenzie@knightsstream.school.nz for the hui.