Mike Molloy — Feb 1, 2021

What a fantastic start to the school year!

Kia ora and welcome back to the new school year. It has been great to hear about the amazing holidays spent in the sun with friends and family. The first day was full of energetic and excited children and their teachers. Parents too looked thrilled to get back into the routine of school!

The start of the school year is a new beginning for everyone. It is a fresh start for those that return and a new phase for our new entrant children and their families. The Goal-Setting Interview is a great opportunity for existing families to meet with their whānau teacher to make some plans for the year. Our younger new entrant students will have a 6-Week Interview later in the term. Please take up this opportunity to meet with your teacher.

Like all terms, we have a number of exciting learning events happening, many of which parents and whānau can be involved in. The Y4-8 Swimming Sports is held later this month, the school Pepeha Walk, and the Dances in Schools programme will be provided for everyone with a demonstration of the learning at the end. Keep an eye on the key term dates and add these to your diary. Make sure you get involved where you can.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the school events and at the start and end of each day.

Matua Mike