Craig Allchurch — Nov 4, 2019

We'd love to see you at our upcoming Digital Technology information sessions!

The wheels are well and truly in motion for delivery of the digital curriculum and KSS are making fantastic progress. 

We're holding 2 sessions in the Ruma Kaimahi where we'll be explaining everything about our digital journey so far, the technology involved, iPads/future BYOD, and what this means for your child growing up in the digital era. 

If you are interested, please RSVP to Matua Craig by the 11th of November- 

Session 1- Tuesday 12th November 7.00pm, Ruma Kaimahi (staff room)

Session 2- Thursday 21st November 9.00am, Ruma Kaimahi (staff room)

Please note, both sessions are the same content run a different times for whānau.

Matua Craig and Whaea Catherine