Sarah Ritchie — Apr 2, 2024

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates recently. Ka Pai!


Madison G


Madi, you have had a fabulous start at Knights Stream School. You are so kind and caring towards others and have helped them to feel welcome and included. Thank you and keep up the great work! Ka pai!


Mila A


Mila, you are a positive, kind, and valued member of our class. We are really proud of the connections you have made this year with both your peers and learning. It has been fantastic to see you engaged and embracing new learning challenges. Keep up the awesome work!

George R


George, you have been busy making wonderful connections across all areas of your learning. We are proud of how you are happy to give all tasks a try and have noticed that you are starting activities quickly and independently. You are especially shining bright at writing time. Keep up the great mahi!

Zala K


Zala, you are making lots of fabulous connections in your learning and always strive to do your best! It is great to see you enthusiastic and loving learning! You’re a star!


Leo C


Leo, you are making great strides in your learning, especially writing because of your courage to try new concepts and activities with reliance and a growth mindset. Tino pai, Leo!

Nirvaan B


Nirvaan, you have been so connected with your learning and we can see how hard you have been trying, particularly with your writing. You are an eager learner and always have a smile on your face! Keep up the awesome mahi!

Anya G


Anya, we have been so impressed with the way you are making connections across your learning, particularly within literacy. You are focused, engaged and always try your very best! Ka pai Anya!

Te Tupu Harakeke

Joel W-Y


Joel, you are so focussed and engaged with your switching program every morning. You are determined to progress with this skill by giving it your best go. Tino pai Joel!

Ibrahim M


Ibrahim, you have been super involved with all your learning, giving it your best every time. Your handwriting and spelling has come a long way this term, tino pai!


Jack G


Jack it’s been great to see the effort and connections you’ve been making in our story. Super impressed with your positive attitude and your willingness to answer questions. Ka mau te wehi Jack!

Zayne B


Zayne - we love how connected you are when singing. During our morning song, Kapa Haka and Choir Experience with our Curiosity Clubs you absolutely shine!

Boyan W


Boyan, we are really impressed to see how well you are applying yourself with your learning. You help others to make connections and you also extend your own thoughts. Well done.


Hosna R


Hosna it has been great to see you connect with your learning, giving everything a go. All of your teachers have commented on the amazing progress you have made so far this year. Keep being your amazing self! Ka mau te wehi Hosna!

Ved K


Ved, you have stepped up to be a helper so many times in our class, and have been a role model in how you empathise with others. Thank you for your kindness. Ka pai e hoa!!


Gabby T


Gabby, we are really impressed with the way you have settled into Tuna and are now showing us how connected you are with your learning. We are really pleased that you are giving everything a go and trying your best. Ka pai e hoa!!

Rosalyn C


Rosalyn, we are really impressed with how well you are engaging with your learning tasks. It is so great to see how curious you are about the books you read. You are beginning to ask thoughtful questions and share your experiences with confidence. We are proud of you!


Vitor S


Vitor, it has been a pleasure to see how reflective you are in your thinking when others share their feelings about situations. You take this on board and try your best to help others and to make them happy. Thank you for all your mahi in this area! Keep up the fabulous work, Vitor.

Zara K


Zara, you get heavily involved in all areas of learning, always showing energy and enthusiasm. On school camp you gave everything a go, even if at first you were a bit hesitant. It is noticed by many how curious and courageous you are. Keep up the great start to the year. Tu meke!


Rose R


Rose, you have had a fabulous start to the 2024 school year. We have noticed how inclusive and kind you are towards others and how willing you are to help with jobs around the class. It is such a pleasure to have you in Mōkihi. Ka pai re rā!

Wajiha S


Wajiha, we are so proud of you for coming to camp and trying lots of new activities. You showed courage and determination even when you were feeling nervous.


Greta H


Greta, you have made wonderful new connections and friendships in Pātiki and been very welcoming to new students to KSS. Thank you for all your mahi behind the scenes and keep spreading your positivity!

Kayden R


Kayden, I was so impressed at camp, watching you during the low ropes challenge. You showed leadership in problem solving but you were also willing to listen to the ideas of others and give them a try. I was especially impressed with your care and attitude to the boys who were nervous. You gave them space to try and permission to make mistakes. Kei te atawhai nui koe!