Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Beattie

Cyber Safety

Sue Beattie —

Technology when used positively and creatively can be very beneficial for education and several other instances. When used without parental guidance and support it can be used  inappropriately and be detrimental. Children are risk takers and are curious to learn. Without the correct guidance and support this can lead to poor decision making.   

Please make sure you are aware of what your child/ren is doing online. Please also be aware of their devices capability e.g. its ability to connect to others and the outside world. As parents you need to have control over its use and measures in place to check what your child is up to. Prepare your home internet with the appropriate filters and safety precautions. Have access to their passwords, use devices in open spaces and discuss what they are doing. I would recommend that internet capable devices should be left on the dinner table at night. A great site to look at is: http://www.netsafe.org.nz/

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Kick and Twitter are common Sites and Apps that enable people to share content online. Facebook and Twitter have an age restriction of 13+ for good reasons. Even children at and above this age do not have the knowledge and decision making maturity to make sensible and safe choices on their own. New Sites and Apps are being created all of the time so please be vigilant.

If children are misusing technology outside of the school environment it is very likely that these issues will come into school. Issues such as privacy, inappropriate language and bullying are  common.

If you have any questions or concerns please make time to talk to your child’s teacher.