Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table - T1, Week 1, 2022

Mike Molloy —

The first week back and the children are so excited to be with their friends and teachers! The seniors are demonstrating their mask-wearing skills.

Thank you to everyone for following our red level protocols. We are very grateful to our parents and whānau for doing such an amazing job preparing the children to start school under the 'Red Alert' level. The children are very settled and are enjoying being in their new spaces making new connections with each other. It is so great seeing all of the new children being cared for by their buddies! The mask-wearing is a challenge but together we are mastering this day by day.

Please find attached to this article the final protocols that take into consideration the 3 phases of the Red level as outlined by the government, most of which you know already. We are currently in phase one which allows parents onsite and phase two will be 'kiss and go' at the gate with no parents on site. Phase three will be a blend of at-home learning and some groups at school depending on the infection rate in our school community. Our online systems are ready to go to cater for this eventuality.

Once again we thank you for your patience, support and understanding as we navigate this time together. If you have any concerns or questions please do not hesitate to make contact with us.

To our Chinese Whānau - we hope you enjoy your celebrations of the Chinese New Year!

Kia Kaha

Matua Mike