Hero photograph
Photo by Craig Allchurch

Hero Parent Accounts

Craig Allchurch —

If you have not downloaded the new Hero app, now is the perfect time!

This year we have modified our reporting to parents in core curriculum areas slightly due to the lockdown. In a previous newsletter we explained that reports will not go out mid year for 2020, we will be holding parent teacher interviews in week 3, term 3, which will be a discussion about current levels your child is working at. The booking link for the interviews will be sent out in the last week of school (1st July). 

If you have not downloaded the Hero app, it would be very beneficial to do so, as this is where you will find your child's 2020 end of year report and also key information on finances. 

To do this, head to this link- https://hero.linc-ed.com/parents/ and follow the steps. 

Please also have a read of the attached doc which explains our  reporting process for this year and beyond. 

At this stage, we are unable to email the school accounts out.  To view your account select the Finance button on the Hero app.

Payment can be made into our school account 

12 3441 0086851 01 or via eftpos at the Tari.

A reminder that the school donation is a voluntary payment.

If you have any questions or require support with downloading the app, please get in touch.
