Hero photograph
Photo by John Preston

Garden to Table Sponsors

John Preston —

This year our Year 5 students have been enjoying the Garden to Table project. This project allows the students to take part in planting, harvesting, and cooking their own vegetables, starting from just seeds. This incredible learning opportunity has been a source of enjoyment for our Year 5s and the supporting staff, however it wouldn’t be possible without the kind donations of our wonderful sponsors.

Every week, Crozier Farm donates carrots for the children’s cooking. The students have loved finding new ways to incorporate carrots in their meals each week, practicing new ways of preparing them and honing their culinary skills. 

Additionally, Halswell New World is a huge supporter of Garden to Table. They have generously donated to the project, allowing us to purchase a wide range of ingredients for the different recipes, broadening the students’ (cooking) horizons!

Thank you to Crozier Farm and Halswell New World for your continued support, our Year 5 budding chefs (and their full tummies) are grateful!