Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Beattie

From the Board of Trustees

Sue Beattie —

Have Your Say... Knights Stream School uses an online review process called SchoolDocs. Every term school policies are reviewed via this system. Please help us keep school policies fit-for-purpose, by following the steps below by the 6 December .

Policies For Review:
1. Sun Protection

2. Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC)

Review Steps:

  1. Visit the website https://knightsstream.schooldocs.co.nz/1893.htm
  2. Enter the username (knightsstream) and password (waka).
  3. Follow the link to Sun Protection and EOTC policies.
  4. Read the policy.
  5. Click the Policy Review button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  6. Select the reviewer type "Parent".
  7. Enter your name (optional).
  8. Submit your ratings and comments.
  9. Feel good knowing you've helped the school meet its review targets.

    N.B. If you don't have internet access, school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policy and a review form.