Hero photograph
Photo by Mike Molloy

From the Tumuaki's Table Term 2, Week 6

Mike Molloy —

Winter was coming and now it is here! Jack Frost has made an appearance too - thankfully not the Night King!

The mornings bring lower temperatures as we settle into the winter month of June.  It is a good time to don the warm beanies, gloves and jackets at school. Children are more than welcome to wear additional outer layers such as puffer jackets that are non uniform.

There are other ways we are keeping warm at Knights Stream School. A wave, a smile and a 'good morning/afternoon' are ways we can make others feel valued and cared for. Please encourage your children to greet others daily - it is great manners and an excellent life skill.

The swimming lessons at Kings Swim School have been excellent with many children making fantastic gains over the last two weeks.  The children are enjoying the sessions with the team of instructors. We will look to run this programme annually and hope, long term, to find more ways to reduce the travel costs.

Our first Matariki celebration is looming next week. We hope many of you are able to join us for some or all of the day. Once again this is a superb opportunity to spend some quality time at school with your tamariki. It is a 7am start to the day with breakfast at school! I am looking forward to the star gazing activity with the iPads and the harakeke weaving.

Some of the keen PTA parents met on Wednesday night for a social catch up before the group is officially formed. What a great bunch of keen parents! To those 10 courageous board nominees, best wishes for the upcoming election. We appreciate the courage putting yourself out there for nomination demonstrates. We have such a fantastic range of skills for the new board. The election results will be out next Friday.

We welcome all whānau to the Official Opening @ 1.30pm on Monday 17 June. Please RSVP to office@knightsstream.school.nz.

We look forward to seeing you all out and about - beanies and all!

Nga mihi

Matua Mike