BYOD iPads for 2022
If your child will be in Years 4-8 in 2022, now is the perfect time to think about purchasing an iPad for your child's learning
For 2022, the number of iPads in the Year 4-8 block will be minimal. We are so fortunate to see our kura grow, but with the numbers bulging, that means 2022 will be a stretch to provide technology in the classroom. Our Year 4-8 group (Ōtūmatua) will have minimal time for individual use, which means we now rely heavily on our BYOD programme. If you are thinking about purchasing an iPad for your child, see the attachments from Noel Leeming for a 2022 iPad that will benefit your child's learning and promote creativity.
If you would like more information about how iPads are used in the classroom, keep an eye out for an upcoming explanation video in the coming weeks and if you would like further information, feel free to get in touch.
Ngā mihi nui
Matua Craig and Whaea Catherine