House Whānau Walks 2023
This year we are introducing a House System.
Families will be together for events and special days - e.g. Matariki Breakfast
Tuakana Teina - leadership opportunities for our senior students
Caring - supporting others
Inclusive grouping opportunities
Helps take pressure off play spaces e.g. bike track, wheels court
Staff connecting with others in the kura across the school
Healthy and fun competitions (e.g. Cross Country, Spellathon etc)
Every child in the school is placed in a house. Family members are in the same house. All children know what house they are in (teachers can help you if your child is unsure).
On Friday 31 March (Week 9) each house is heading on a House History Walk. This is a fantastic opportunity for parents and whānau to join us for the day!
We need some helpers to support these walks. If you are interested in joining your child/ren then please email the House Leader. Parents will be able to meet on the day to organise a carpool. All children will be travelling by bus.
The Friends of School have kindly subsidised the cost of the buses. There is no charge for parents. More information about each walk will be sent out closer to the time. We look forward to having you join us!
Please read the attached information.
Many thanks
The KSS Team