Mike Molloy — Apr 2, 2024

We hope you all enjoyed the extended break over the Easter weekend. The five day weekend meant that families could go further afield over the Easter break. I hear the Easter bunny managed to find most people and the Warbirds Over Wānaka was a huge success.

Last week we hosted 'Top Team'. The children had a blast exploring the range of team activities for their session. Thanks to all of the parent helpers that gave up their day to support the rotations. These activities required the children to work together to compete a challenge. Some were much harder than others! 

The term has flown by as we are already planning term two. Next term the theme is The Problem With Pollution. Children will be learning about the need to understand the nature of problems before we can solve them. Science is the main lens for this unit of work. Teachers will also weave the arts, literacy and technology into the learning programme.

We welcome new staff to the team - Georgia Taylor to the Year 1-2 Team, Kate Miyazaki to the Kaiawhina team in Purekireki and we welcome Taffy Holt our new caretaker. Matua Ross retires from his caretaker position at the end of the term. We thank Ross for his contribution to the school since 2020. Ross has kept the school grounds looking amazing over the last 4 years.

In Week 8 I was fortunate to visit our friendship schools in China. I visited a large number of schools - both private and public in Hong Hong, Wenzhou, Shandong and Beijing. It was great seeing so many similarities between our education systems - particularly about developing the 'whole child' approach. I can also appreciate the high standards and discipline that learners show in the public system. 

This is the last newsletter for the term so this is a great opportunity to say thank you for your continued support of your children and the school. It is in partnership that we get the best for each and every child. Have a safe and happy term break.

Matua Mike