by Sue Beattie
Sue Beattie — November 3, 2020
Congratulations to the following students who received certificates at our last Celebration Assembly. Ka Pai!
Amelia W
Amelia, you are making great connections with your learning - especially reading and maths. Even when it is challenging you have the courage to persevere. It is wonderful to see you developing confidence in your learning ability. Keep it up!
Oscar F
Oscar, you consistently try your best in all learning areas and show what it means to use the 5 C’s at Knights Stream School. This hard work is paying off as you are making great progress in all learning areas. You should feel very proud of your achievements. Tino pai!
Aaron J
Aaron, you are a wonderful learner and you are curious about everything. In our Inquiry, you wanted to know what lives under the soil and what everything eats. You were also fascinated with the Oobleck we made today at Writing time and you knew lots of information about it. We are so proud to have such a curious learner at KSS. Ka pai Aaron.
Niall S
Niall, it is such a pleasure to see you making connections with your learning. You have been doing this by making better choices in and outside of the classroom. This shows you have been listening to feedback from your teachers and putting more effort into becoming a confident learner. Keep up the great work. Mīharo Niall!
Eric W
Eric, we have been really impressed with the courage you have shown going to Paretai for maths. You are happy to share your ideas and try new things at our action stations and in your learning. Tino pai!
Erich V
Erich, you are always so caring towards your classmates and teachers. It is lovely to see you always asking others how their day is or if they are okay. You are a wonderful and caring member of Hawai. Ka pai!
Klara M
Klara, you have blown us away with all the wonderful connections you are making with your reading. You are always keen to learn and to share your ideas with others. Mahi nui!
Cohan M
Cohan, you are so caring and supportive with your classmates. You are always connected to your learning, especially during our athletics training. Ka pai!
Ethan S
Ethan, or shall we say a future discus legend? On Athletics Day you demonstrated beautiful discus technique to land a swing of 15.80m! Connecting into our training sessions leading up to this event has definitely paid off. Me he tē, Ethan!
Te Tupu Harakeke
Trey M
For being courageous with extending your communication.
Hele M
Hele, you have demonstrated excellent courage through how hard you have worked for your Kids for Kids audition, and by giving it your absolute all. Well done on your determination, commitment and creativity when performing in front of a range of audiences. Mahi nui!
Alyssa G
Alyssa, you have shown such an incredible drive to establish the systems for the first-ever talent quest. You made such positive connections with all children throughout KSS and ensured everyone felt welcome and included. Ka pai!