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Knights Stream School | Mingimingi Hautoa

Newsletter #8, 2019

Term two seems to be flying by! More and more events and activities are happening over the next two weeks. We are edging closer to being fully governed by our our first parent elected Board of Trustees.


From the Tumuaki's Table Term 2, Week 6

by Mike Molloy

Winter was coming and now it is here! Jack Frost has made an appearance too - thankfully not the Night King!

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Matariki Celebration Day

by Catherine Mackenzie

We are excitedly counting down the days till our first Knights Stream School, Matariki Celebration Day, next Friday 14th June.

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Coming Events

by Sue Beattie

Events coming up to add to your calendar.

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Celebration Assembly Awards

by Sue Beattie

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates in our last Celebration Assembly. Ka Pai!

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Subway Lunches

by Mike Molloy

We have worked with Subway in Longhurst to offer lunch orders for children on a Friday.

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