by Pexels


Schools often need to ask parents for a voluntary donation as the funding we receive from the Ministry of Education is not enough to cover what is required to deliver quality learning programmes.

Voluntary donations are $60 per student, capped at $140 per family. As this is a donation, individual families can donate an increased or lesser amount if they wish depending on personal circumstances. For those of you wishing to spread the cost over the year, we encourage you to consider making your donation by regular instalments.

If you are a new family who has joined our school community during the year, the office will discuss with you our pro rata system depending on when you enrolled your child(ren).

Our bank school account details are: ASB 12-3441-0086851-01.

Please ensure you include your family name and “Voluntary Donation” as a reference. If you wish to discuss internet banking or automatic payment options further, please speak with the office. The school donation can now also be paid directly through the finance tab in Hero.

Please note this is a voluntary, tax-deductible donation. If you request, we can send you a receipt to enable you to claim this on your next tax return.