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Knights Stream School | Mingimingi Hautoa

Newsletter #7, 2019


From the Tumuaki's Table

by Mike Molloy

Whānau are fully embracing the life at KSS!

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The KSS Planting Day was a huge success!

by Mike Molloy

All the conditions were right for the planting day at Knights Stream School on Friday the 17th May.

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Our first ever KSS whole school Cross Country

by Craig Allchurch

The inaugural whole school Cross Country/Fun Run went off without a hitch and there were plenty of smiling and exhausted faces at the conclusion of each race.

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Celebration Assembly Awards

by Sue Beattie

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates in our last Celebration Assembly. Ka Pai!

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Coming Events

by Sue Beattie

Events coming up to add to your calendar.

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Space Day

by Caitlin Buttle

NASA and Space Camp blasts Knights Stream School into space!

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Subway Lunches

by Mike Molloy

We have worked with Subway in Longhurst to offer lunch orders for children on a Friday.

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Halswell-Hornby Speed Review

by Mike Molloy

Feedback closes soon.

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Music Lessons at KSS

by Mike Molloy

We are building a selection of itinerant teachers that can provide private lessons during the school day.

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