by Mike Molloy

From The Tumuaki's Table - Term 4, Week 2

Mike MolloyOctober 21, 2021

Lean on me!

Kia ora e te Whānau,

Term 4 is well underway and being a short term of only 9 weeks, it feels like Christmas is just around the corner! The learning spaces have been buzzing with the excitement of new learning this term. It has been fantastic watching the new children make connections with others, with friendships forming easily in the classroom and out into the playground.

COVID continues to hamper our plans to connect with parents. Thank you to everyone for wearing your masks onsite and dropping your children at the door. It goes against what we believe and how we normally operate. We will be making adjustments to athletics and end of year celebration assemblies as we are restricted from having visitors onsite. We hope to get more direction from the Ministry of Education soon. Please be prepared that it is likely we may have to 'live stream' to parents for these situations. 

We are thrilled that our Stage 2 Build planning is underway and we are currently looking at the ideal location to put the 11 new learning spaces. Our build team has been appointed and the architects should be on board soon for detailed design. Hamish from the Board of Trustees is moving ahead with plans to build a new adventure playground. More information will be out about this soon. I am sure helpers will be needed and the Friends of the School are very keen to support the project. 

Thanks again to all you wonderful parents for showing our 5 C's of Care, Connection and Courage as we face these uncertain times together.

Take care.

Matua Mike

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