by Sue Beattie

Celebration Assembly Awards

Sue BeattieOctober 26, 2021

Congratulations to the following students who received certificates on the last day of term. Ka Pai!


Kiara M


Kiara, you are making so many connections with letters and sounds and because of this, you are really blossoming as a writer and a reader. I am so proud of the positive way you are using your creative mind. You are so open to possibilities. Kia kaha Kiara.

Eason Z


Eason you are consistently caring towards others. You show patience and understanding when you help others, explaining the task carefully. What a wonderful friend you are. Ka pai e hoa!

Charli B


Charli, you are being a courageous writer. You are beginning to write all the sounds you can hear in a word before asking for help and you are challenging yourself with the content of your writing. Ka pai Charli, keep being a courageous and connected writer!

Dallas E


Dallas, you have been so courageous in your writing, taking risks and trying new words, listening carefully to the sounds in the words! You add more details using ‘and’ making your writing interesting and exciting.


Alisa C


Alisa, you are consistently making connections within numeracy and literacy, as you strive to do your best and challenge yourself to learn new concepts. Keep up the hard work Alisa, we are so proud of you!

Andrea MB


Andrea, you have a very curious nature and confidently inquire about anything that takes your interest. It is great to hear you consistently sharing your thoughts and ideas with your whānau group. Ka pai e hoa!

Miguel P


Miguel, it’s been so great to see the way you are making connections with your learning. You have been working really hard on your learning goals and you should feel very proud of your achievements. Mīharo Miguel!


Mila M


Mila, you have been really courageous at school in the mornings saying goodbye to mum. We are really impressed with how you show courage to share your work or ideas with the class and happily connect with new partners.

Abhiram D


Abhiram, you have been working hard on your maths with Whaea Jude and we can see a big improvement. We love your enthusiasm so keep up the great work.

Emerald S


Emerald, you are always setting an example of how to behave at KSS! You look after everyone in our learning space and always use your manners and kind words. Well done!

Kingsley L


Kingsley, you have been curious in your learning and wanting to further your understanding, especially in maths! You ask lots of questions which helps everyone in our class! Ka pai


Klara M


We love the effort you put into all that you do. Your sense of humour shines through as you told your research facts. Well done, Klara!

Erich V


For taking more risks, especially when you are writing, so that you share your wonderful ideas. Well done, Erich

Poppy D


For your incredible research and presentation skills about clouds. You made really good connections. Tino Pai Poppy!

Marco T


Marco, we appreciate all your thoughtful questions and wonderings. You are making really deep connections with your learning. Tino Pai Marco!

Te Tupu Harakeke

Tarriq W


For consistently coming to school and making connections.


Greta H


Greta, we love your connection and enthusiasm for writing recently. You are an awesome role model in Tōtara with a willingness to share your work. Keep up the great mahi, Greta!

Liam M


Liam, you have shown a high level of initiative within the social soccer scene! Well done for including others and getting people excited to play the game. Tino pai, Liam!

Amelia J


Amelia, you are a consistent superstar within Tōtara! You aim high within your mahi and role model what it means to be a connected Tōtara learner. Me he tē!

Josh M


Josh, you have made incredible progress with your reading this year. Your energy within your reading group allows you to make meaningful connections to your learning. Me he tē!


Sylvia Z


Sylvia, you have made some really positive connections in maths and you have an amazing attitude towards your learning. Your positivity and friendly smile light up Matai. Ka pai!

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