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Maths Adventure: a weekly exercise at Tu Kokiri
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

Maths Adventure: a weekly exercise at Tu Kokiri

Sarah Cameron —

Rather than address this as a Maths-Problem, we do a maths adventure once a week.

We explored a PROCESS than the 'black and white' of a correct answer. Students found the PIRATES MATHS quiz engaging because this got them thinking about how they arrived at an answer that could have two or more possible outcomes. We debated if all pirates went to battle that some would come back as dead than alive. The absence of this essential data of who died and who lived posed a theoretical problem. But the most important thing is how the students think about maths and finding the potentialities of a different answer depending on the interpretations provided. We noticed that Deaf students love a visual approach to work out the answers to maths quizzes.