Hero video
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

Southland 2020 - The importance of Keeping in Touch

Southland Team —

After the isolation and challenges that 2020 has bought us we have strived to come together and reconnect through our Keeping in Touch days (KIT). We had the opportunity to engage in a range of activities throughout our three KIT days.

Army boot camp, NZSL, exploring our community, discovering our creative side and a new sport were the themes represented throughout our KIT days. Our first two KIT days coincided with NZSL week. Students attending included both learners on RTD caseload and AODC/ASSIST. 

Due to our wide range of age groups and big numbers we decided to have a junior and senior KIT day. Our Junior KIT day focused on NZSL. Our learners spent the day reconnecting and taking part in a wide variety of NZSL learning, crafts and games. 

For our senior KIT day we sent our senior students to an Army bootcamp with Sergeant Zane, of the New Zealand Army. Sergeant Zane set us a mission that required problem solving, teamwork and fun! We had the opportunity to learn about the Army and how using; leadership, reliability, positivity, communication, mutual respect, division of labour and collaboration we could succeed on our mission! 

Our last KIT day of 2020 created an opportunity for both our junior and senior students to come together to connect and have fun. With 43 learners attending from all over Southland, we had a massive day full of excitement, exploration and entertainment. 

Students had opportunities to engage in; a selfie scavenger hunt around Invercargill's picturesque Queen's Park, get into the Christmas spirit with a range of Christmas activities and take part in a new, exciting and competitive activity, ten pin bowling! 

In Southland, we value KIT days, as they provide opportunities for our learners to renew and grow relationships and connections. We are excited for 2021 and looking ahead to planning some fantastic learning opportunities for our students.