Hero video
Christchurch Campus Residential Term 3 2021
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Christchurch Campus Residential Term 3 2021

Michele Hendren - Residential Team Lead —

The Christchurch Residential Campus have been busy again during Term 3.

Students have continued to be involved with indoor netball and have been winning some games.

We held a Master Chef competition – Team “Libby and Thomas” won with a fabulous Pork Rib creation.

Students also visited an art studio and painted some masterpieces.

This Term we have also started a study group. This operates three nights a week for an hour. It is a quiet time for study, homework, reading, and learning activities/games.

Sadly, this term we also farewelled a former student Henry Tangiwai-Scott. Henry’s Tangihanga was held on site. It was a very emotional time for all students and staff, but particularly for the residences as he had been with us since he was 10 years old. Henry will be greatly missed but always in our hearts and memories.

During Lockdown we have been having catchups via Zoom. Students, Staff, and some family/friends have been playing Kahoot together.

Weekend Staff has been busy planning activities for Term 4 during the lockdown. Visits to the gardens, Willowbank Wildlife Reserve, and the Hororata Highland Games are all options.

The Residences