Hero video
Amazing Artwork and Fantastic Creativity
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Amazing Artwork and Fantastic Creativity

Floyd Rao - Resource Teacher of the Deaf —

Northland learners stun visitors during KIT Day activities.

On 27 October, Whangarei and Mid Far North learners met at the Whangarei Sensory Centre Offices for Term 3 KIT Day. Our learners were divided into four activity groups: Screen Printing, Reusable Bags, Clay Warriors, and Abstract Art.

In Screen Printing, learners came up with their own design to create a screen print. To complete their work they had to take great care to follow the instructions and process accurately.

Carly-Rose, screenprinting

To make reusable bags, our learners recycled newspapers by following a step by step demonstration involving folding, gluing, and adding extra pieces for handles. The finished product was able to hold light items. This reminded our learners about the importance of recycling, and using an alternative to plastic bags which can cause problems for the environment, animals, birds and sea life.

In the Clay Warrior group, learners listened to the fantastic book ‘Hey Warrior’ by Karen Young. They discussed how and why we experience anxious feelings and ways we can deal with them. Learners then designed and created their own warrior out of clay. This activity was a massive hit with all our learners!

The Abstract Art group was primarily made up of senior students who were asked to produce designs based on the artist Piet Mondrian. They had to follow specific guidelines including creating a written overview of the art, explaining what the art represents, discussing colours, shapes, lines, and drafting their design on paper before creating a three-dimensional abstract artwork.