Hero video
Creative presentations take Northland by storm
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Creative presentations take Northland by storm!

Floyd Rao - Resource Teacher of the Deaf —

Ariana and Shannon show off their creative talents

Ariana is shown here, reconstructing the map of New Zealand and labelling the names in Te Reo. Ariana proudly presented her Queen Elizabeth project to her peers, containing facts about the Queen and the royal family, in term 3.

Reconstructing Map of NZ and Labelling in Te Reo, 

Shannon is holding up his metallic hand sculptures, they are part of his NCEA Level 3 Art, which are based on his five senses. The sculptured hands represent ‘communication’ and the power of NZSL. He made holes in the hands to represent the importance of seeing other people when signing.