Hero video
Building Connections between learners
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Building Connections between Learners to Enhance Wellbeing

West Auckland Resource Teachers of the Deaf —

Keep In Touch (KIT) Days allow Outreach learners to reconnect with old friends, make new friends, expand their vocabulary, develop concepts and confidence, and see the latest assistive technology.

After the lockdowns in 2020-21, everyone looked forward to celebrating greater freedom by reuniting again. The KIT Days planned for 2022 included a very informative visit to Rūaumoko Marae, followed by a creative session where each learner made their own taonga.

We had a fabulous opportunity to attend Tim Bray Theatre productions, Bad Jelly the Witch and The Whale Rider. Our learners were also privileged to experience a special behind the scenes tour of the theatre.

Bad Jelly the Witch

Warmer weather signalled the arrival of Spring, which also brought the arrival of lambs! This meant a KIT Day trip to Ambury Farm to find some lambs to feed. In the paddocks we found sheep, goats, hens to feed, and pigs to scratch. We also found some hungry lambs bleating in their pens and were given bottles of milk to feed them with.

We enjoyed a sheep shearing demonstration and then everyone had a turn pretending to be sheep by exiting the woolshed via the sheep shute!

We finished the day with a final goodbye to Connor and Colin the massive Clydesdale horses, and our old and new friends. Everyone had a lovely day.

Ambury Farm

Back at school we shared our experiences through story writing and photos, which we shared with our whānau, teachers and friends.

We can't wait for our next KIT Day, which we know will be filled with learning, fun and friendship.