Hero video
A Rollercoaster at Ormiston Junior College
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

A rollercoaster of learning and growing at Ormiston Junior College in 2022!

Melipa Waites - Teacher of the Deaf —

Together we increased our appreciation of the natural environment and learnt new skills like how to survive in the forest, using a compass to navigate, putting up a tent, and cooking damper.

Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

We learnt new technologies such as laser cutting, lino cutting, screen printing and filmmaking using green screens and iMovie. We had hands-on fun in art with clay making, painting and drawing pictures.

We took part in fitness classes where we lost some weight (or we wish we had lost weight!), learned to exercise with kettlebells, ran on the treadmill, strained on the rower, and did hard floor exercises like lunges and a Beep Test (to test our aerobic capacity). We also had fun learning different cultural dances like Samoan, Indian, K-Pop and Hip-Hop.

Our Kāinga group is called Aumoana, which means Underwater Currents. Throughout 2022, our Kāinga has shown how strong our currents flow by having good sportsmanship in our annual challenges of spirit day, athletics day and dance challenge. Deaf can sing, and we have gained much learning and appreciation for expression through sign singing. So make sure you watch our videos and have a look at our photos. It has been a year of "feeling FREE!" as Anthea said.

As we look forward to 2023, we would like to give hōnore to our Year 10 Turi learners moving on to Senior College. Tautoga Papalii, "like a flower that blooms in the spring", Poipoia te kākano kia puawai, you have brightened up Ormiston Junior College.

From us to you - Haere tu atu, hoki tu mai.