Hero video
Kelston Primary Provision Whale Rider Trip
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Kelston Primary Provision Whale Rider Trip

Serena Abbott - Teacher of the Deaf —

Going to the Whale Rider show was an exciting event for our class - you can see from our faces in the photo how much we were looking forward to it while we waited for the bus!

The show provided an interpreter and we all agreed it was funny, entertaining, and sometimes sad. Unfortunately we couldn't take any photos once inside but we all loved it and enjoyed sharing our favourite parts with each other afterwards. We'd love to see another show like this again with an interpreter provided.

Here's what some of our students had to say about the experience...

Franky - I liked when the girl rode the whale!
Hasan - I liked the acting and music!
Leonard - I liked it!