Matariki Celebrations in the Waikato
Matariki is an ideal opportunity to explore how we pass on and sustain aspects of our culture and heritage.
With this in mind, the Waikato Outreach team thought Matariki was the perfect time for a Keep In Touch (KIT) Day - a time for our community to spend together, share kai and kōrero, and look forward to the new year ahead.
Students made their own poi and a new korowai using their handprints. They learnt waiata and the signs for each of the nine whētu (stars). They also looked at various fruit and vegetables and grouped these into two categories: food associated with Tupuānuku (food grown under the ground) or Tupuārangi (food that comes from the sky or is linked to birds).
Students, teachers and whānau also enjoyed a special pizza lunch and delicious vegetable soup.
Our Matariki celebrations were a true highlight of the year and everyone is really looking forward to our next Matariki event in 2023!