Hero video
Student Stories
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

Student Stories

Kylee Douds —

Noah the writing superstar!

Noah has been working really hard this term to learn the alphabet letter sounds, and guess what!?! He's learned so many sounds he wrote this story all by himself with no help from anyone! He writes, "the dog sleeps by the fire". Tu meke Noah! We are all so proud of you and you even received a Principal's award for all your hard work and great story writing. Keep it up Noah, you're awesome.

Noah the writing superstar!

Ayaan Gray the artist!

Ayaan is having so much fun at school this year and he's learning so much! His class had a history lesson about William Shakespeare. Ayaan drew an awesome picture of William Shakespeare and signed his name beautifully as the artist with a feather! Ayaan's goal was to learn to write his name, I think we can tick that off the list now Ayaan! Way to go, you're awesome! 

Ayaan feather
Ayaan writing

Mia is a kind friend 

Mia, you have made a lot of new friends at school this year. You are sharing your toys and games with them with a big smile! You are such a kind and considerate friend. Well done, you're amazing.  
