Hero video
Out and about for Matariki
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

Out and about for Matariki

Kyla Cockrem —

Matariki is an important time of year to come together and celebrate the Māori New Year.

Matariki is celebrated in New Zealand from 19th June to 11th July 2021. In the past the Early Years Whānau Centre have invited extended family to visit us and share kai the children have had a hand in making. This year we will do this with our younger groups who always enjoy sharing their environment with others and with our older groups we will be venturing out.

We will be joining Tūranga Library and the Christchurch Art gallery for their Wā Korero (Storytime) sessions with a Matariki focus. These excursions offer tamariki and their whānau the opportunity to make links between home, the centre and this new environment. We will be able to see some new stories and make connections with others.