Hero video
Cool Collaboration Captured On Zoom
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

Cool Collaboration Captured On Zoom

Barbara Henderson —

Three students from 3 provisions have been connecting and collaborating on Zoom to solve mathematics problems.

A primary school learner from Oteha Valley Provision and two college students from Kelston Girls College Provision and Kelston Boys College Provision meet up on Zoom to share their thinking about mathematical problems. How can a Year 4 student collaborate and share ideas with Year 10 and 12 students? Tuakana Teina. The tuakana–teina relationship, an integral part of traditional Māori society, provides a model for buddy systems. An older or more expert tuakana helps and guides a younger or less expert teina. Sometimes it is Merc or Callan who leads the way and sometimes it is Kaya who thinks of a way to test out their mathematical thinking. Their three teachers are inquiring into how we can connect our students to learn together at Ko Taku Reo. We are using technology to find opportunities from one side of Auckland to another, across age groups and Provisions. Our 3 amazing Ko Taku Reo students keep going with their mathematical wonderings after the teachers finish the Zoom session. Until next Friday when we connect again.