Hero video
Love Learning Love Life
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Love Learning, Love Life!

Mary Sleep - Provision Lead (Wellington) —

2022 has been an exciting year of trips, visitors and of course, lots of learning at Linden Primary Provision.

Phew! What an action-packed year! We've been lucky enough to go on some trips this year - to swimming lessons at Tawa Pool, Keep In Touch (KIT) Days with the Wellington Outreach team, and even an exciting mystery trip where we ended up at the Zoo in Term 4!

We've also enjoyed lots of visitors from around New Zealand. In addition to our Enrolled School leadership team (Lisa, Daniel, and Karen), we enjoyed hosting the Minister for Disability Issues, Poto Williams. We learnt a lot from Sara Pivac Alexander, a lecturer at Victoria University in Wellington, who taught us all about Deaf history in New Zealand. And we even had some Teachers of the Deaf from Australia pop in to see what we do!

In addition to all these visitors, we've been learning about all sorts of things as you can see in the photos. We're working on our maths by making 3D shapes, ordering items by weight, and playing board games. To develop our literacy skills, you can see us reading a shared book, choosing library books, and following a recipe in a book to make bread. We joined Linden School to plant flowers and add our sounds to an orchestra performance.

We love learning and love life in the Linden Provision. We're looking forward to another exciting year in 2023!