Celebrating Waikato Learners
Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua - Look back and reflect so you can move forward
We're thrilled to share and celebrate our Waikato learner achievements both inside and outside the classroom.
Gracyn came 4th in the school cross country.
Hunter learnt all of his letter sounds. He loves to spell out rhyming words using magnetic letters.
Te Rauna likes to make something to eat or drink in the kitchen - smoothie, anyone?
Noah loves writing about his family. Every morning his class sign the date, days, season and weather in NZSL. All of the students love to sign!
Kantis gets excited by science - will it float, or will it sink?
Lazarus enjoys reading books and has made significant progress this year.
What will we learn in 2023? We can't wait to find out!