Making an Impact
Hagley College is well known for the wide range of subjects on offer for students. Impact Project is a unique opportunity for students to explore a passion project of their choice which has a positive lasting effect on a target community.
Previous students have created a large mural for a preschool, a virtual world of Christchurch landmarks for people who cannot leave home, and a website to help young people new to the Country and city connect.
Amber-Rose decided to create a five minute video for 13-21 year old Deaf students about what it is like for Ko Taku Reo student at Hagley Provision. Her goal was to produce a video that would raise awareness about Ko Taku Reo's Hagley Provision for Deaf and hard of hearing students.
Her inspiration and motivation came from her own experiences as a mainstream student, completely unaware of the option to attend a Ko Taku Reo Provision until the end of 2020. Amber-Rose faced a number of challenges in a Covid-disrupted year and although she didn't see her project completed, she made a great start to pick up again in the future.