Hero video
More than McDonalds
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education

More Than McDonald's

Toni Werahiko —

Making connections with other Hard of Hearing Students can be a lot of fun... if you know who they are.

This year we discovered that we had several Hard of Hearing students attending one school. One of our challenges as RTDs is to help students understand the importance and benefits of wearing their hearing aids - supporting their education, their friendships, even their safety. For some students, it is a case of feeling like they are the only one in the school and the overwhelming feeling of self-consciousness or being different. 

However, this is not the case here at Rotorua Intermediate! After a short discussion between the LSC, RTD, and Principal, the idea to get these students together for a social introduction was formed. Through an informal gathering at McDonald's (via the school van) and official introductions, as they met across the table to battle over Connect 4, these students were quickly laughing and planning their next suitable destination and event. 

Our Principal shared his experience of wearing hearing aids - exposure to new sounds, uncomfortable, feeling conscious of others looking, but mostly, what he realised he'd been missing out on - many of which the students could identify with. So, after a bite to eat they headed back to school chatting laughing. This week I noticed names being mentioned and friendships beginning to take shape... what more could we ask for.