Hero video
Maui fishing
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

How Māui and the Giant Fish helped us Keep in Touch in Hawke's Bay

Ingrid Meulenbrugge - Resource Teacher of the Deaf —

Keep In Touch (KIT) Days are always a highlight of our year.

In September, 11 Outreach students from Year 3 to Year 7 came together at the Hawke's Bay Ko Taku Reo Deaf Resource Centre for a KIT Day themed around the legend of Māui and the Giant Fish.

Students listened and watched as the story was both read and signed to them. They learnt new vocabulary in NZSL, such as fish, North Island, Māui and ropes, and then played NZSL Whispers which is always great fun!

Everyone took part in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) challenge to see if they could create a fishing rod for Māui to catch his fish. Using materials provided, students had to make a fishing rod about 75cm long which could catch a metal fish and hold it for four seconds. Each group was successful and rewarded with a chocolate fish for their efforts!

After lunch and a game of soccer or handball, the children made Māui's fish hook from salt dough.

Here's what some of our students had to say about the day...

I enjoyed playing soccer with my friends and I enjoyed making the fishing rod and also I liked seeing all of my friends and my old teachers and Monica, Katrina, Ingrid Lynn, Jan and Amy. I liked enjoying making the hook with Lynn and enjoyed the NZSL whisper game and I had a good day. I hope I can go to the Palmerston North KIT Days next year. I would like to zoom and see all the teachers again.

– Charlie, Year 7

This year I have been on 2 KIT days where I met some other Deaf people who were great fun and friendly to hang out with. The second KIT Day was about Māui fishing up the North Island. We made things like a hook out of dough and a fishing rod that he could have used. Amy signed the story and taught us more signs. At KIT Day, there were new friends to meet, I enjoyed playing with them, and we had lots of fun. My favourite activity was fishing up a fish with our fishing rods we had made. I am happy I got to do all these activities and meet teachers and friends.

– Micah, Year 6

I liked everything at KIT Day, but I liked making the fish hook. I liked meeting that boy that you know his mother. When it's the next KIT Day can I come? 

     – Theus, Year 3