NCEA Vocational Pathway
Our NCEA vocational student pathway is designed to support students with a tertiary qualification that helps them find employment or an apprenticeship. In 2022 we had students at Massey High School Trade Academy completing their vocational education through NCEA Levels 2 and 3.
NCEA Hospitality
Reid Johnson joined the Full-time Hospitality Academy at the end of Term One. He started Chef school (NZMA) and attended work experience once a week, putting his skills to work in a café and restaurant.
He made such a great impression at Kings Garden Café, Lincoln Road in Auckland, he's been offered a part-time job!
In Term 3, Reid participated in the Hamilton Waikato Culinary Fare and won silver for Savory Pizza. We've been inspired by Reid's cooking skills and his independence. All the best to Reid in his future career.
Trade Academy
This year Markus Pakii completed the NCEA Level 2 Building Trade Academy at Massey High, Auckland. He earned NCEA credits while learning alongside his hearing peers and building a house on the school's grounds. As part of the course, Markus also learned about work safety, first aid, and gaining his learner driver license.