Hero video
Aspiring Young Artist
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Aspiring Young Artist

Fleur Carnegie - Resource Teacher of the Deaf —

Inspiring young artists is the key to building a sustainable future for the arts.

Two young artists, Maia (Year 9 Whakatane High School) and Marion (Year 11 Tarawera High School), have discovered their talents in Visual Arts this year. Supported by their Art teachers, they have both excelled in art, taking inspiration from the world around them.

Marion focussed on our native piwakawaka (fantail) using woodcut printmaking for her first work and secondary colourful oil pastel pieces inspiration taken from Māori kowhaiwhai patterns.

Maia also enjoyed working with the woodcut printmaking process and used a mix of printmaking and dye to create a curious little frog.