Hero video
NZSL@School Services Team
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

NZSL@School Services Team

Stephanie Sullivan - NZSL@School Services Leader —

This year has been a transformative one for us, with a focus on reviewing and developing systems to ensure our team is more cohesive and can provide high quality support for our tamariki in their NZSL journey.

Our work has been guided by our own internal review processes alongside a 2021 external evaluation of the NZSL@School service. Some of our 2022 highlights include:

  • Roles being created and filled that better support our work and staff.
  • Internal processes being developed or streamlined.
  • Developing a three year work plan in consultation with the Ministry of Education to address key areas of opportunity identified in the 2021 evaluation process.
  • Revising the Call to Application documentation and processes, and forming a committee to review applications.
  • Introducing the programme Fingerspell Our Way to Reading to teachers in our Outreach and Enrolled Schools.
  • Developing a Tutor Schema based on the Language progressions and trialling it with a pilot group of Tutors. We're aiming to have all Tutors using this in 2023. This document will inform our planning, give us data on student progress, and support collaborative dialogue with others working with the same student.
  • Better definition of roles within the whole team and sharing these with the wider organisation.
  • Professional learning and development in the area of leadership for some staff, and planning an extensive PLD programme for 2023.

We're continuing to learn and grow as a team, each finding our way in the new structure and with many people in new roles. I am fortunate to work alongside and support the NZSL Services Team, and I look forward to what the future holds for us.

Mā te whiritahi, ka whakatutuki ai ngā pūmanawa ā tāngata

Together weaving the realisation of potential