Hero video
Excelling in the Preschool
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

Excelling in the Preschool

Krista Clifford - Early Childhood Pre-School Lead —

After a year of belonging, growing and making choices at Preschool, many of our tamariki are excelling! We all know why it has not been an easy year, but it is heartening to see our tamariki progressing and showing us what resilience is!

We have a group of tamariki who are currently transitioning to school. Some of them have spent extra time past their 5th birthday with us. In NZ, tamariki legally does not have to start school until they are six, and with the interruptions over the last 2/3 years, the extra time in Preschool has benefited them.

Haere rā to Marley, Kyra Jade, Ruby, Marialee and others leaving us at the end of this year - we will continue to watch you excel in your school years.

Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly