Hero video
A New Beginning
Video by Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ

A New Beginning

Paula Haworth - Head of Department for NZSL NCEA —

Deciding to move schools in the middle of the year is challenging. Moving from your home in Nelson to become a residential student in Christchurch is an even bigger challenge.

During Term 2, Ohomairangi visited us on a placement visit with his whānau at the Hagley Provision. From our first meeting, it was obvious that Ohomairangi would be an excellent fit for our provision. As with every decision in life, there are pros and cons and deciding to move to Christchurch to join us for the start of Term 3 was no different. Below is an excerpt of some writing he did for us, sharing how his journey with Ko Taku Reo started two years before his placement visit.

“In 2020, I was fortunate to attend an Immersion Hui in Auckland at the Rūaumoko Marae. It greatly impacted me, for I had never experienced anything like it. Having Deaf people around me made me feel accepted and appreciated for who I am. Being here in Christchurch at Ko Taku Reo’s Hagley Provision has helped me greatly with my confidence and Deaf Identity. I feel like my understanding and use of New Zealand Sign Language has improved.”

Ohomairangi has fully engaged with every class he's been involved with, including Kapa Haka, Math and Hard Materials. We're so glad he embraced the challenge of moving to Christchurch to be part of our Hagley Provision.