Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Ducat

Kia ora koutou whānau

Andrew Ducat —

It is lovely to be closing in on our first full week at school, particularly following the disrupted start to the year. We know that everyone responds differently to disruption and changes to routine, so it comes as no surprise that some of you may have noticed varying degrees of anxiousness with your child as they settle in with their new class, new teacher and new classmates. If you have noticed that your child is feeling unsettled or anxious, have a chat with your child's teacher or drop them an email. Please do not think you are being overly anxious or being a burden on the teacher. It's our job to help all our learners feel happy and settled at school.

This week the school has been a hive of activity. On top of the regular class learning programmes here's a list of what's been happening at Konini this week;

Wheels days

Library open at break time and lunch time 

Music sessions with Mrs R

Dance sessions with Ms Brown

Forest Kaitiaki sessions with Sarah

Kapa haka with Matua Gary

Kiwi Sports with Anton

Cricket coaching with Auckland cricket

Football with Kim 

Gym club with Ms Caldwell

Lunch time cricket with Mrs Ingoe

Pest control group with Mr Manase and Ms Aldworth

Stream Rangers with Mr Morris and Ms Quach

Chicken care group with Mrs Jackson and Ms McDowall

Sign language group with Ms Barnes

Drawing club with Ms Richards

Gardening group with Ms Aldworth

Ukulele group with Mrs R

Marimba group with Mrs R

Writing group with Mrs Johnson

Wow - what an impressive list! The staff do an amazing job in providing such a wide array of activities that your children to explore during break times or as a specialist timetabled activity.

Ngā manaakitanga
