Hero photograph
Photo by Andrew Ducat

Pick-ups and Drop-offs

Andrew Ducat —

We understand that there was some confusion around the start of day and end of day routines following the notice that was sent out on Tuesday.

When school opens again on Monday we have to maintain a register for everyone who comes onto the school grounds. 

A member of staff will be on duty at one of the three school entry points. They will fill out the onsite register - recording your name, your child's name and what class they are in. Under Alert Level 2 we are required to do this to assist with contract tracing (if required). This process will not take long.

Arrival Times

We have a staggered start to the morning to help manage physical distancing. This means that you can drop your child off between 8.30 am and 9.00 am. Please do not arrive before 8.30 am.

Morning Drop-Offs

There were a number of questions regarding whether or not whānau are allowed into the school grounds before school. The short answer to this question is - yes. We understand that many whānau, particularly with young children, will be feeling a little anxious about returning to school which is why parents are welcome to come into the school grounds to drop their children off. When dropping off your child please do not enter cloak bays and classrooms. Your child's teacher will be in class from 8.30 am onwards to welcome all the children back.

If your child feels confident about returning to their class independently, we encourage you to say goodbye to them at one of the three entry points. Over the course of the week, this process may become easier.

Afternoon Pick-Ups

To help ease afternoon congestion, you can collect your child anytime between 2.45 pm and 3.00 pm. You can come into the school grounds and wait nearer your child's class - remembering that you will need to sign in first. When you are on the school grounds please respect physical distancing protocols and avoid coming into classrooms and cloak bays.

If you are waiting outside of the school grounds, arrange a pick-up spot to meet your child.

All pupils who are not collected by their parents will be allowed to go at 3.00 pm. Junior School teachers will only release their pupils when parents arrive.