The Kaitiaki Kupana

Maisie Cotter —

The kaitiaki kupana

Long ago in a land called Aoteoroa there lived a Taniwha named Kupana.  Kupana guarded the Manukau Harbour trees and forests. If a bush,  tree or plant breaks he gets really aggressive.  He would bonk the land and everyone would know that the land is getting cut and they would go try to stop it if they stop it. If they did, Kupana would be happy if they didn't Kupana would be MAD.

The monster Kupana

When the skilled fisherman go and give Kupana a boat of fish they leave it and go to sleep if they wake up the next morning and the fish was gone that would be a good sign.  But Kupana grew greedy then when the fisherman went Kupana ate him.

Garden Kupana

Kupana is the garden of aurora and he will guard the forests of Aoteoroa. He cleans the forest floor (I know he's weird) when boats come past he doesn't care he just goes straight along to get to where he eats his dolphin and food sources.

By Maisie