Mandy Vanderwee — Oct 14, 2019

Welcome back to school for Term 4. We have many exciting events planned for this term including swimming, athletics, free-range days, picnic and performance day, prize givings and Diwali.

School starts at 8.50am.  Getting to school on time is important for every child to have a successful start to each day. They can be more organised and less anxious if they are on time.  They hear the plan for the day in their class, helping them to predict the day.  Playing with friends in the morning for a little bit, is good for positive social interactions.  Every time a child is late they need to get a late slip and this is recorded against their name.  Even 5 - 10mins late each day can add up to a few days a term.

Try and aim to arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.45am. Being on time means students  develop positive punctuality.