The students in Room 23 having been learning to write a descriptive story in only 6 sentences

Room 23 —

Albert is 12 years old, he loves nature walks and you will always see him outside or feeding his animals inside.

The young boy Albert decided to go on a walk, to write in his bird book but, he comes across a secret garden with overgrown vines covered all over it.

Albert saw some beautiful birds so he thought he should use his special skill, talking to animals.

"Oh no" squeaked Albert struggling, these vines are latching onto my legs and arms!  thump thump thump am I some bait?

I feel as weak as a baby bird "what now?"

Speaking of birds gwak! gwak! gwak! "hey! down here" the birds rushed over pecking at the vines setting Albert free "Thank you guys" they flew him back home safely and returned to their homes.

The end

 By Lily D, Rm 23

Lily Bond is a 10 year old girl who lives with her amazing outstanding family.

Lily is camping with her family in the deep dark woods.

Lily has an amazing talent, she can see in the dark.

Lily hears a noise from the bushes so she went out to find what made the fantastic noise.  She gets lost.

Lily is feeling as worried as her parents would be when they find out she is missing.

She hears a noise, crunch crunch, and she looks only to find her parents.

By Sarah, Rm 23

Llugaes the Seagull

Llugaes is a seagull who does everything backwards.

Llugaes like to fly around at Piha beach (backwards of course) with this mother, Llugaes Rehtom.

Llugaes is very good at flying backwards, which isn't much of a special skill, but it is his most prized ability.

Llugaes is very friendly and polite but no one ever understands him because he speaks backwards.

This makes Llugaes very sad as he only wants to be a good helpful person.

Llugaes changes his name to Seagull and takes it upon himself to learn to do everything right and lives happily every after.

By Valentine, Rm 23