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Farewell to Mrs Angove

Andrew Ducat —

After 34 years of dedicated service to Konini School, Mrs Alison Angove has retired.

1984 was the year Alison and her family began their long association with Konini School and the Konini community. From her first child attending Konini, Alison was quickly snaffled up by the Principal to join the teaching team the following year. 

From 1985 until 2019, Alison has been part of many changes. She has seen the school move from a centralised governance model to school BoT following the Tomorrow Schools reform. She has seen the introduction and implementation of the National Curriculum Framework on two occasions.  She has seen the introduction and the end of National Standards. 

Alison has taught hundreds of children, some have even had children who have attended Konini. She has worked with many, many teachers and work colleagues. And has worked with 6 different Principals.

Through out those 34 years Alison has been constant in her commitment to the pupils here at Konini. To dedicate 34 years of your working life to one school is incredible and deserves special recognition.

On behalf of your colleagues and friends here at Konini, the Board and Community – thank you Alison for your 34 years of wonderful service. You will always be remembered for your unrelenting warmth, patience and kindness with our children - an attribute we can all aspire to emulate.